"Transmission Mysteries: Art and Technophilia" published in Performing Arts Journal

My wide-ranging article, "Transmission Mysteries: Art and Technophilia" has just been published in the Fall (September) issue of PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.

Editor Bonnie Marranca, who has made a heroic contribution for decades illuminating the performing arts, writes in her introductory editorial:

"Transmission of meanings and experiences is taken up by Kenneth King (incidentally, also a dancer/writer), who brings his historical understanding of science and technology and a poetic imagination, to this subject ranging from the ancient world of cave paintings and the pyramid of Giza, to technological invention and industrialization, and to the arts of painting, cinema, photography, and on to biogenetics, computers, AI, and, of course, viruses. King reflects on what the computer screen and internet are doing to the human mind in the ceaseless transmission of information."

The opening paragraph and more information can be found on PAJ's website.